About Me

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I really am genuinely delighted to have you here.

I'm an enthusiastic writer and reader of spanking romance. I write the kinds of books that I enjoy reading myself - historical romances with strong characters and proper plotlines in between all the delicious spankings.
Not even slightly what I look like, sadly.
This is an from early cover for His Lordship's Apprentice which wasn't used in the end.
But you know, if you want to all imagine that I look like this, that'd be grand. 
I am, like any good twenty-first century author, all over the web. You can catch up with me via any of the below links. If there is anywhere that I should be that isn't on the list, then let me know and will be there! (Within reason and the normal parameters of Taste and Decency, obviously.)

Email: ettastark@hotmail.com

1 comment:

  1. hi fellow spanko ,fellow traveler on the yellow brickmroad of life . those catoons from jest magazine (1950's) wre fun the best ones were fronm bill ward (not in ur collection. but because of you I discovered the wonderful victori wood and watched sone of her stuff on you tube and I thank you so much----happy new year --robert
